Please download and complete the necessary forms prior to entering the program.
ADHD Screening
The ADHD Screening Form is designed to identify symptoms of ADHD as well as associated conditions such as depression, anger, and anxiety, ensuring that participants aged 12-18 receive the most appropriate and effective interventions. Completing this form helps us establish a baseline of each participant's mental health needs. With accurate diagnosis and comprehensive follow-up, we can tailor our support and treatments effectively, setting the stage for successful outcomes in our program.
Group Counseling Form
This form must be filled out by a parent or guardian, as stipulated by the Texas Statutes Family Code 101.003(a). This law defines a minor as anyone under 18 years of age who is unmarried and has not had the disabilities of minority removed. It affirms the rights and duties of parents to provide medical care for their minor children, which includes mental health services like those offered by our program. Completing this form grants your child permission to participate in group counseling sessions and allows us to provide the most beneficial and secure environment for their emotional and psychological growth.
For more information regarding consent for treatment of minors, Click Here.